Mother Pigs Need Your Help:
Email BC’s Minister of Agriculture
Demand the Ministry implement mandatory CCTV cameras inside all animal agriculture facilities, and that animal cruelty be enforced by a more accountable government agency
Animal agriculture has zero transparency, and the BCSPCA is unreliable & ineffective in enforcing animal cruelty at farms.
Take Action For Mother Pigs
Mother pigs are suffering in animal farms across BC. Video footage from Excelsior Hog Farm in Abbotsford shows mother pigs confined in tiny, restrictive cages through pregnancy, birth, and nursing their piglets; until the piglets are taken away to be fattened up and slaughtered. These are standard industry practices. In fact, this farm is owned by a director of the BC Pork Producers Association.
Even the few, insufficient animal cruelty laws are routinely broken. The BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) is a private charity that is responsible for enforcing these laws, but they have admitted to being incapable of doing so.
Email the BC Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham, and call on her to end the Ministry’s contract with the BCSPCA and replace it with a reliable and effective government enforcement agency that will hold factory farms accountable for their abuse.
In a move towards more accountability and transparency, we also ask that the Minister implement mandatory CCTV cameras inside all animal farm & slaughter facilities across the province, ensuring every practice is clearly documented and available to the public.
To learn more about the animal abuse perpetrated by Excelsior, visit the home page.
Use the button above or email BC Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham at: AGR.Minister@gov.bc.ca.
Sample Message:
“Dear Minister Popham,
I am writing to express concern over the failure of the BCSPCA to properly enforce against criminal animal cruelty within agriculture. The BCSPCA has been shown to be unreliable and ineffective at holding factory farms accountable for their abuse of animals. Disclosure of Freedom of Information documents affirms these concerns, revealing that the BCSPCA CEO Craig Daniell, wrote to the Deputy Ministry of Agriculture, stating that the private charity has “no capacity to enforcement animal cruelty at factory farms in BC.” The time has come to replace the BCSPCA with a government enforcement agency that is independent from industry and responsive to the public.
Additionally, in an effort for transparency, I am also requesting that the Ministry implement mandatory CCTV cameras inside all animal farms, hatcheries and slaughterhouses, to ensure every practice is clearly documented and made accessible to the public. Please consider these serious concerns and take the necessary steps to protect animals on farms, and ensure transparency to the public.”